Handling Date/Time parameters issues in rosparam/paramserver?
I'm wondering how to correctly set/get date/time parameters in the parameter server or if there is possibly a bug. On a freshly started roscore I do: rosparam set /date1 2011-07-11T18:04:00 Now I get...
View ArticleConnect to the parameter server from Windows?
Dear ROS users, I am developing the system that user input is done in windows, and ubuntu + ROS system controls a robot based on the user input. What I need is only to read/write parameters on ubuntu...
View ArticleRoslaunch with Arguments
Is it possible to spawn a different URDF to the param server depending on the different configurations of my robot from a single launchfile. I will also launch controllers specific to that robot...
View Articleproject structure question concerning dynamic reconfigure and the parameter...
I have a system with many nodes, some written in C++, and some in Python. When devising the original "block diagram" for the system, I defined a parameter `/operating_condition` that is basically like...
View ArticleHow to reconfigure dynamically the parameters that aren't latched to...
`Parameters` can be declared w/o being associated with any node ([ref](http://answers.ros.org/question/11914/how-to-declare-common-parameter/)). Looks like...
View Articledoubt about xacro
Hi everyone! I have a doubt about XACRO. Is possible from xacro to read a parameters in the Parameters Servers? Thanks!
View ArticleSet parameter list using XmlRpc
Hi, I need to set some ros parameters where one of them is a list of strings. I'm using C++ but cannot find an example of how to do it. I currently have a list `std::vector` which I want to set in the...
View ArticleSharing a matrix/graph, maybe with the parameter server?
For a range of experiments I need to be able to define the adjacency matrix for the various robots to define a connected graph. What is the best way to have such a graph/matrix be available to all the...
View Articleparam server C++ lists
I'm defining config vectors through the param server using yaml files: sample: *velocity_controller/velocity_max: [0.3, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5]* If I want to parse these vectors from a python node I...
View ArticleHow to Simultaneously Modify Parameters for Multiple Nodes?
Following this tutorial on "Understanding ROS Services and Parameters" (not allowed to add a link) (12.04, hydro) Question: how can one use `rosparam` to affect more than one turtlesim? The lines below...
View ArticleWhy can't I 'get' my rosrun parameters?
I have a node that should be able to run other nodes. It has a basic method of doing so using system("rosrun myproject Robot robotname:='Botty'"); This should set the parameter robotname to 'Botty'. In...
View Articleset bool param failed
The code is: ros::NodeHandle nh_private("~"); bool state=false; nh_private.param("state", state, "false"); It turns out the "state" is "true". Why???
View ArticleSensor Camera on Gazebo: Could not find parameter robot_description on...
hi all, i'm trying to create a sensor camera on [gazebo](http://www.ros.org/wiki/gazebo), but i have this message on the terminal when i run the launch file: [ERROR] [1323711066.531080823]: Could not...
View ArticleCan you write unittests that use the parameter server?
I'm trying to write unittests (in python) that use the parameter server. I'd like to load some parameters from a test yaml file, and use something *like* the `rospy.get_param()` functionality. The...
View Articledynamic reconfigure callback happens automatically when a node is launched...
I am using dynamic_reconfigure in my node to adjust some params dynamically. I found that the first callback for dynamic reconfigure happens when the node is launched, specifically when I define the...
View ArticleCan global parameters be used with dynamic_reconfigure?
Hi everyone, when using dynamic_reconfigure, the parameters used are linked to specific nodes. For example, if there is a **cfg/MyConfig.cfg** file with a parameter such as **gen.add('my_param',...
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